Microsoft unveiled a giant three-sided LED cube over their 11 Times Square office and DK was asked to help design content for it. I worked on various short animations for the Cube and put together this video which shows a sampling of our work. 

Creative Director - Chad Ashley

Initial R&D - Tim Little
Animation - Andrez Aguayo
Lighting & Shading - Chad Ashley
Compositing - Tim Little, Andrez Aguayo 

Animation - Todd Kumpf
Lighting & Shading - Chad Ashley
Compositing - Tim Little 

Animation - Chad Ashley, Tim Little
Lighting & Shading - Chad Ashley
Compositing - Tim Little 

St Patrick's Day Clovers
Animation - Tim Little
Lighting & Shading - Justin Reed
Compositing - Tim Little 

MS Tiles
Animation - Tim Little
Lighting & Shading - Chad Ashley
Compositing - Tim Little 

Case Study Video
Edit & Comp - Tim Little
Music - Audio Network